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How to find the right role for you and your career right now

Adele Leah
6 min readAug 5, 2020


The best and most successful job searches are strategic. When you start looking for a job, try to get crystal-clear on two things: what you want to do, and the type of company you want to work for. These factors will guide your search.

In some industries, there’s a lack of roles being advertised. While that can be demoralizing, trust me when I say the jobs are there, so don’t give up!

Advertised jobs only make up 20%-25% of the roles that are actually available. That means 75%-85% of jobs aren’t advertised. The way companies recruit today is very different from five or ten years ago. I think the networking power of LinkedIn is the reason for this — people are turning to their professional networks to find talent, so we’re seeing fewer roles being advertised.

So, if you focus your job purely on the “live” market and purely apply for roles on job boards, you’re missing out on a huge number of potential roles.

To navigate and unlock the hidden job market, my advice is to follow these three methods:

  1. Look at the live job market as just one way to land a job.
  2. Enlist a recruiter to help you refine your list of dream companies.
  3. Approach companies you’d like to work with directly.

Let’s talk more about option three. This is a very effective strategy to use when job hunting, and I think all job-seekers should give this method the most attention. By doing that, you’ll reduce your risk of missing out on the role you really want. You’ll also get your name in front of the right people for the right reasons, and futureproof your career.

Along with helping you get your next role, it’s also a great way to build your personal brand and network for future roles. And with LinkedIn being such a fantastic networking platform, it really has never been easier to network and further establish your brand.

Choosing a business to approach

To give yourself the best possible chance of landing “the” job, there are a few things you should do before you begin reaching out to companies.

As I mentioned earlier, the first step is drilling down on what you want in the next stage of your career — in terms of the role itself and the type of company you’d like to work for. Once you’re clear on that, you’ll be able to narrow down a list of companies to approach.

While you’re at it, think about what you have to offer a company based on your skills, experience, and achievements. This will help you to articulate the value you can bring to a business.

Then, spend some time polishing your LinkedIn profile. Make sure it has all of that information, as well as details about your most recent roles and a strong overview of your career. Your LinkedIn profile is your digital first impression — it’s like a marketing brochure, and you want to impress or intrigue the reader enough that they keep scrolling.

When you do connect with a company, think of it in the same way as a handshake at a physical networking event. It should be an introduction, with no expectations. My inbox on LinkedIn is full of messages from people asking for a job straight away. You wouldn’t do that in person, right? You’d try to get to know each other and establish a conversation first. So, that initial message should be the same.

Here’s an example:

Hi [name],

I’m reaching out because I came across your profile, and your career in XX really interested me.

I’d love to speak to you in more detail about XX.

I look forward to connecting and hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,


Pivoting to a new industry

Many job seekers I speak to are in the middle of a career 180, which is equal parts exciting and challenging.

Career pivots are possible, but brand building, networking, and working the hidden job market are crucial to success. I hear from so many people who are hoping to career pivot, but are frustrated by the lack of response they’re getting from recruiters and online applications.

While those methods may work if you’re applying for a job in an established industry, it falls short for career changes. In most cases, you’re going up against other people who have more relevant experience than you. With an average of 200 applications being submitted for every advertised job online, it’s hard to stand out when you can’t rely on your experience.

That’s where brand building and networking tactics come into play. If you do it right, you can build the right relationships — and be in a better position to showcase your experience and highlight your transferable skills.

Like I said before, it’s really important to be clear on what you want before you start job-hunting. Think about the skills you have that you want to use more, and then look at where you would like to use these. Then, you can see how they line up with potential roles in that industry sector or company.

A successful case study

Most of my clients land their next role (and the one after that) by directly approaching companies. I call it “the hunt.”

I’ve had clients move three times over a six-year period purely through networking and being tapped on the shoulder as a result of building a strong personal brand and reputation in their industry.

I’ve also had a number of clients who came to me after spending months of applying for roles online and not getting anywhere. One person had applied for 97 roles! Once they changed their job strategy and got really clear on what they wanted, what they were good at, and what they wanted to do more of, they were able to create a neat list of companies to approach.

By putting in that work, it was also much easier for them to highlight their value and market themselves — and it’s way better than trying to be generic and fit every possible role. All of them landed a job via networking and approaching companies directly. I even had one client who scored three interviews for roles that weren’t advertised after just one week of networking!

Another client looking for a career move developed such a strong network in the new field she was looking to move into that she was recommended for a newly created role at her dream company. And a very senior client who was looking for a niche role he didn’t think he would find in Australia, let alone locally, learnt about hidden jobs by networking. He built a powerful network and is seeing lots of career development opportunities for the future coming his way.

It’s never too late to start networking

I can’t stress the importance of networking and branding building enough. They’re key tools in every job-seeker’s kit, and believe me when I say these strategies work! The saying is true for your career: Your network is your net worth.

The stats speak for themselves. One study found that 122 million people received an interview through LinkedIn, with 35.5 million having been hired by a person they connected with on the site.

Your LinkedIn profile doubles as your resume and your professional online presence at all times — not just when you’re looking for work. That’s why it’s so important to invest some time and effort into making it as comprehensive as you can.

If you need help, sign up for my LinkedIn Launchpad course. I’ll teach you how to leverage the site to move forward in your career and make the right contacts, and I’ll be there to support you at every step of the way.

Happy job hunting!


Adele is a Career Coach & Recruitment Expert with a mission to put you on the path to career happiness and success.

With twenty years’ experience in the recruitment and coaching industry, she has a gift for rescuing people from jobs they don’t fully enjoy.

She’s a slayer of limiting beliefs, a champion of “I love my job” syndrome, and a believer in you deserving a better career.

She works with people feeling stuck, unhappy, or lost in their jobs to help them transform their wild career dreams into living, breathing REALITY.

She’s placed thousands of candidates in positions that harness their unique skillsets, passions, and ambitions.

Check out more career development and job-search advice at



Adele Leah

Career Coach, Slayer of limiting beliefs — Believer in you deserving MORE — Advocate of ‘I LOVE MY JOB’ — Find your passion and purpose and land a job you love.