Do you love your job?
I do!
Sadly, this isn’t something you hear too many people say. But answering “yes” to the do-you-love-your-job question is the goal — both for our happiness and success.
I’ll start with a disclaimer: I definitely haven’t always loved my job. I spent the first decade of my career trying to figure out what I wanted to do when I grew up! That meant hours thinking about what I was good at, what I could do, and finally, what would make me happy, and more hours exploring the world of work in general. When I hit 30 and still didn’t have it down pat, I thought time was running out!
15 years later and I know that that transitional time was a huge part of my career journey. I’d dug deep and analysed what I wanted and needed in my career, and experienced plenty of “wrong turns” that eventually got me to where I was supposed to be. In other words, all the confusion of those 10 years was actually a really good thing.
It helped me define what I wanted. Because after all, we spend a lot of our waking hours at work!
It helped me understand what I was good at, and how I could make the most of those skills.
It helped me to decide where I wanted to work, and why.
I guess it’s true what they say: a few wrongs can make a right!
We should all love our jobs
Now, I spend my time helping other people get to a place where they can also say: “I love my job!”
It’s an honour and a privilege, and my role as a career coach has given me a sense of purpose I didn’t know was possible.
But it makes me sad that there aren’t enough people who can genuinely say they love (or even like) their jobs. And when someone does say it, the people around them either think it’s a miracle… or they’re lying.
It should be the norm. We have the right to love our jobs, and turn our career dreams into reality.
The average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime.
That’s a hell of a lot of time to feel unhappy, unfulfilled and in a job you don’t love. Sure, we get paid to work, but how much is our happiness worth? How much are those precious 90,000 hours of our life worth?
It’s crazy to think about.
So, if you’re sitting in a job you hate, if you dread every Monday and end every weekend with the Sunday scaries, it’s time to change that.
How to make moves towards loving your job
We all know those people who seem like they bounce into work. While they may have different motivations, skills and talents that make them enjoy their work, I can confidently say they have one thing in common: they have clarity about their career!
They’re working for something and towards something.
At some point in their lives, they figured out what makes them happy and what they love doing. Then, they looked closely at companies and people, and thought about where they wanted to do that thing — and they took action.
They chose not to spend (or waste) 90,000 hours of their life doing something they didn’t like, in a place they didn’t like, with people they didn’t like or with a boss they didn’t like.
They choose to uncover what they did like and go out and find the damn thing that would make them happy.
It’s a simple concept, right?
Career happiness isn’t a happy accident
Trust me on that. It takes a clear vision, and that comes from knowing what you want, what you are good at and what you want to do more of.
Plus, understanding where you want to do it.The same role can feel very different depending on the company you’re at, which is why that component is so important. Just like what we do, a huge chunk of career happiness is linked to where we work and who we work with.
Unfortunately, many of us don’t know about all the pieces to the puzzle.
I’ve seen countless clients who haven’t thought about the role that’s right for them, the company that aligns with their values or the path they want their career to take. Instead, they end up in jobs that pay the bills, but leave them feeling depleted.
It’s time to make a choice to be happy!
Are you ready to stop wasting time in a career or with colleagues you hate?
Are you ready to reclaim some of those 90,000 hours back?
Are you ready to put your hand on your heart and say “I LOVE MY JOB!”?
If you are answering YES then you’re the perfect candidate!
I’m so excited to announce the launch of my latest course, Get Clear on Your Career.
This course lays the foundation for career happiness using proven methods that have helped thousands of my clients land a job they love.
This course will help you:
- Get crystal clear on what you want and why by exploring what makes you, you.
- Uncover your strengths and skills along with your career achievements
- Identify the happiest moments in your career, and work out ways to build upon them
- Find the right career and company fit for you, so you can move forward in the right direction
- Build a target list of companies you know you want to work for, and put yourself in the driver’s seat of your career
- Feel confident and empowered, with a clear career picture that sets you up for career happiness and success
If you aren’t clear on what you want, how are you ever going to find that thing that gets you leaping out of bed in the morning?
Getting clarity around what you want and why you want it is the first step in achieving career happiness, and it’s a step that can’t be skipped.
So, if you’re not sure what you want in your career but you find yourself dreading Mondays, then this course is 100% for you.
You will be directed to the LiveMore app — a free personal development app that helps you expand your life and to become the best version of you.
Now, who doesn't want that?
On this fantastic app, you will find my course along with a huge amount of other useful resources that are FREE to unlock your potential to help you have the life and career your dream of and deserve.
Adele xo
Adele is a Career Breakthrough Expert and her superpower is putting people on their path to career happiness and success.
With twenty years’ experience in the recruitment and coaching industry, she has a gift for rescuing people from jobs they don’t fully enjoy.
She’s a slayer of limiting beliefs, a champion of “I love my job” syndrome, and a believer in you deserving a better career.
She works with people feeling stuck, unhappy, or lost in their jobs to help them transform their wild career dreams into living, breathing REALITY.
She’s placed thousands of candidates in positions that harness their unique skillsets, passions, and ambitions.
Check out more career development and job-search advice at